Heroquest Larp/Lrp Campaign
The Larping Magazine Quad/Mouthpiece
Quad was the official magazine published by Heroquest for many years before the dawn of the internet.
TheMouthpiece has no official sanction - frankly, it's a rag, but no-oneever said that you couldn't believe what you read in the rags, didthey?... ...They did?... Oh well...
We are pleased to be able to offer old issues of Quad and the Mouthpiece for viewing or download.
Further Back-issues will be posted up as soon as we can get hold of the digital copies...
If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat file Reader (for .pdf files), here's where you can download it...
- Mouthpiece 1061 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 1053 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 1049 (PDF)
- Quad46 (PDF)
- Quad45 (PDF)
- Quad44 (PDF)
- Quad43 (PDF)
- Quad42 (PDF)
- Quad41 (PDF)
- Quad40 (PDF)
- Quad39 (PDF)
- Quad38 (PDF)
- Quad37 (PDF)
- Quad36 (PDF)
- Quad35 (PDF)
- Quad34 (PDF)
- Quad33 (PDF)
- Quad32 (PDF)
- Quad31 (PDF)
- Quad30 (PDF)
- Quad29 (PDF)
- Quad28 (PDF)
- Quad27 (PDF)
- Quad26 (PDF)
- Quad25 (PDF)
- Quad24 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 923(PDF)
- Quad22 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 875 (PDF)
- Quad21 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 698 (PDF)
- Quad20 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 694 (PDF)
- Quad19 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 679 (PDF)
- Mouthpiece 667 (PDF)
- Quad 18 (PDF)
- Quad 17 (PDF)
- Quad 16 (PDF)
- Quad 15 (PDF)
- Quad 14 (PDF)
- Quad 13 (PDF)
- Quad 12 (PDF)
- Quad 11 (PDF)
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