Grey Warden Cosmic Power

Invocation List

Balanced Ground 9
Control Undead 9
Cure Wounds 9
Enhanced Reflexes 9, 10
Guardian Spirit 9, 10
Instant Meditation 9, 10
Power Hammer 9
Spiritual Balance 9
Voice of Command 9

Invocation Descriptions

Balanced Ground 9

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest casting it to dedicate an area of ground to his Sphere. The area in question should be marked by a casting mat and ritual components covering an area no smaller than a 6 ft. diameter circle. The components in question should be checked with the player referee, at the start of the adventure, to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements for cosmic casting. Once set up this casting area cannot be disturbed by anyone other than the caster who can only remove it by releasing the invocation.

The Balanced area allows the High Priest to cast further cosmic invocations within it. This is the only way in which Cosmic invocations can be cast away from the Sect's ceremony areas situated outside of the Towers.

In order to cast a cosmic invocation the High Priest must first invoke within the Balanced area (requiring 5 minutes and their normal casting kit) followed by a 15 minute ritual dedicated to the cosmic invocation they are attempting to cast. No time reduction will be made on these castings as excellent casting kit and vocals are required for Cosmic Invocations.

Control Undead 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 6 - 8 Control Undead invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Creature of Unlife you are mine to command") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Control Undead 6 - 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Control Undead 9. The High Priest will be out 15-17 power whilst the Control Undead 9 is in effect (9 for the Rank 9 and 6-8 for the stored Control Undead). Once the Rank 6 - 8 Control Undead is released all 15-17 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Control Undead invocation in effect at a time.

Cure Wounds 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 8 Cure Wounds invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Neutral Sphere I call thee, let your Power show!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Cure Wounds 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Cure Wounds 9. The High Priest will be out 17 power whilst the Cure Wounds 9 is in effect (9 for the Cure Wounds 9 and 8 for the stored Cure Wounds 8). Once the Rank 8 Cure Wounds is released all 17 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Cure Wounds invocation in effect at a time.

Enhanced Reflexes 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation fills the caster with the power of the Neutral Sphere which fortifies any Enhanced Reflexes invocations cast by them.

At Rank 9 any Enhanced Reflexes invocation cast by the High Priest is increased in duration by a factor of four as if the invocation had been cast down a rank. For example an Enhanced Reflexes Rank 8 cast down to a 4 would last for 64 hours, rather than 16, if the caster had an Enhanced Reflexes 9 in effect.

At Rank 10 any Enhanced Reflexes invocation cast by the High Priest is increased in duration by a factor of four as if the invocation had been cast down a rank. This increase in duration stacks with that provided by a Enhanced Reflexes 9 if the High Priest has both in effect. For example a Enhanced Reflexes Rank 8 cast down to a 4 would last for 256 hours rather than 16 if the caster had both an Enhanced Reflexes 9 and 10 in effect.

Enhanced Reflexes 9 and 10 are effectively permanent and will only cease to be in effect if the caster releases the invocation or dies. The High Priest would be out 9 Power for a Rank 9 Enhanced Reflexes in effect or 19 if he had both the rank 9 and the rank 10 in effect.

Guardian Spirit 9, 10

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description Through the use of this invocation the caster summons a protective spirit over the recipient. If the recipient is injured to the point of death (below 0 life) then the spirit will preserve their life. In function the effect is as though a minor elixir had been applied.

Guardian Spirit 9 and 10 are effectively permanent until triggered or until the caster is slain.

A Character may only gain the benefit from the Guardian Spirit invocation (of any rank) once per sleep period. A second instance of the Guardian Spirit invocation cast on a target in the same day will fail to take effect. A Guardian Spirit whose duration expires without being triggered does not count towards this limit.

A Caster may only be out one Guardian Spirit of each rank 9 and 10.

Instant Meditation 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description At Rank 9 this invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 7 Instant Meditation invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Spirit's of the Neutral Sphere fill this man!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Instant Meditation is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Instant Meditation 9. The High Priest will be out 16 power whilst the Instant Meditation 9 is in effect (9 for the rank 9 and 7 for the stored Instant Meditation). Once the Rank 7 Instant meditation is released all 16 power may be restored normally.

At Rank 10 this invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 8 Instant Meditation invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Spirit's of the Neutral Sphere fill this man!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked. The Instant Meditation is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Instant Meditation 10. The High Priest will be out 18 power whilst the Instant Meditation 10 is in effect (10 for the rank 10 and 8 for the stored Instant Meditation). Once the Rank 8 Instant meditation is released all 18 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Instant Meditation and a single Rank 10 Instant Meditation invocation in effect at a time, although you may have one of each Rank 9 and 10.

Power Hammer 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest calls upon the Power of the Neutral Sphere to aid him in smiting his enemies.

Power Hammer 9 remains in effect (and the power out) until triggered through the use of a specific command phrase (such as "I call forth the Power of the Hammer!") or until the caster is slain. It provides no benefit until triggered.

At Rank 9 once triggered the Power Hammer allows the High Priest to cast rank 6 Power Hammer invocations at vocal length, without the need for an Invoke or the usual Ritual. This ability lasts for 15 Minutes at which point the Power Hammer 9 ceases to be in effect.

Spiritual Balance 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest becomes one with the Balance of the Neutral Sphere isolating them from the Good and Evil Spheres.

Once per day whilst the Spiritual Balance 9 is in effect a rank 7 Spiritual Balance cast by the High Priest will be effective against all Good and Evil Sphere invocations up to Rank 8, rather than 5 as would usually be the case.

Spiritual Balance 9 remains in effect until released or the caster is slain.

Voice of Command 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest speaks with such authority that he cause almost anyone to stop in their tracks.

Voice of Command remains in effect (and the power out) until triggered through the use of a specific command phrase (such as "Hear my words and know the power of the Balance!") or until the caster is slain. It provides no benefit until triggered.

At Rank 9 once triggered the Voice of Command allows the High Priest to cast rank 6 Halt invocations at vocal length, without the need for an Invoke or the usual Ritual. This ability lasts for 15 Minutes at which point the Voice of Command 9 ceases to be in effect.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations