Hospitaler Ritual Power

Invocation List

Aura of Serenity 7
Befriend 6 - 8
Cure Disease 7
Cure Mortal Range 6
Heal 6
Invoke Sphere 8
Martyr's Touch 8
Mass Cure 6 - 8
Mind Heal 6
Neutralise Poison 7
Protection Vs. Disease 7
Protection Vs. Poison 8
Regenerate 7
Remove Curse 8
Resurrection 7, 8
Spirit Bond 7
Unshackle Spirit 6

Invocation Descriptions

Aura Serenity 7

Range Special

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The caster calls upon the power of the Good Sphere to create a small aura surrounding their own body, that can be extended to envelop a single other willing individual. No damage may be inflicted to, or by, the individuals within the Aura. Whilst the Aura is in effect neither the caster and the chosen individual are unable to move (or be moved via a spell or invocation) away from where the invocation was cast. The recipient of an Aura of Serenity may not cast spells or invocations nor may they trigger items which would affect those outside of the Aura, attempting to do so will end the Aura of Serenity.

Befriend 6 - 8

Range 20 ft

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description This invocation creates a bond between the caster and the target such that they both believe themselves to be the firmest of friends who would wish no harm to come to each other. Neither is aware of the presence of an invocation at work and cannot be convinced of it, but once the invocation ends both parties will be aware that some effect has constrained their actions.

The bond only extends to the two involved and does not affect their view of any other person or creature in the vicinity, nor does it give either influence over the other apart from the trust between close comrades and friends. Befriend only affects living, humanoid creatures at the ranks shown below;

Rank Player Ranks Affected Monster Hits Affected
6 64 200
7 128 300
8 256 400

Cure Disease 7

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will cure any Disease with an effective rank of 8 or less.

Cure Mortal Range 6

Range 20 ft

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation works in exactly the same way as the Rank 5 invocation Cure Mortal Wounds but at a range of 20ft.

Heal 6

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will return the target to their maximum total and locational life and will mend all broken bones that the target may have.

Invoke Sphere 8

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description Upon completion the caster has called directly on the Good Sphere for aid and so may cast up to two Good Ritual Invocations, at normal use of power, using vocals only, without the normal 15 minute casting time. The Ritual invocations must be cast within 15 minutes of the Invoke, and until they are cast no invocations from other Spheres can be cast, nor can another Invoke Sphere be cast. The caster may only cast Ritual Invocations that he is already capable of casting, no additional casting ability is granted by this invocation.

Mass Cure 6 - 8

Range Circle, 10 ft radius, centred on caster

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The caster summons the good sphere to surround him resulting in everyone within 10ft of the caster receiving a lay power Cure Wounds invocation as shown below:

Rank Effective Mass Cure
6 Cure Critical Rank 3
7 Cure Grievous Rank 4
8 Cure Mortal Rank 5

Martyr's Touch 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The caster is able to take the suffering of others onto themselves using this invocation. Any one debilitating effect (such as Blindness, Dumbness, Disease etc.) of any rank or level may be transferred from its original target to the caster of the Martyr's Touch. The rank, duration and effect of the transferred malady are unaffected. Damage may never be transferred using a Martyr's Touch.

Mind Heal 6

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will return an insane individual to sanity. Note that this invocation may not be cast using an invoke. The caster must spend the casting time of the invocation role-playing the curing process with the target during which time neither the target nor the caster are aware of their surroundings.

Neutralise Poison 7

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description This invocation will cure the effects of a single Poison or Venom of up to rank 10.

Protection Vs. Disease 7

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The Target is immune to all Diseases of the same or lower rank that the effective rank of the Protection Vs. Disease invocation as summarised below. A Disease received before the Protection from Disease was cast will affect the victim normally.

Rank Disease Protected Against
1 Minor (Rank 1)
3 Medium (Rank 3)
5 Major (Rank 5)
7 Fatal (Rank 7)

Because a Disease invocation takes time to take effect the caster of a Disease will be unaware that the invocation has failed against a protected target. It is therefore not necessary to say "No Effect" when struck with a Disease to which you are protected against.

Protection Vs. Poison 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description The target becomes immune to all Poisons and Venoms up to Rank 8, and all Monster Poisons and Venoms for the duration of the invocation. Note that this invocation does not render the recipient immune to a Ghoul's paralysis.

Regenerate 7

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will cause a severed limb to grow back in fifteen minutes. It is possible to cast this invocation on a corpse in order to replace destroyed limbs but only if the invocation is cast on the largest portion of the corpse. If only part of a limb has been severed then the time taken to regrow it may be reduced at the referee's discretion.

Remove Curse 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will remove a single Evil Sphere rank 4 Curse or rank 8 Greater Curse from the target.

Resurrection 7, 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation is the Good Sphere's way of bringing the dead back to life. Resurrection may only be cast on the body of a dead humanoid creature (including all dead player characters). A Resurrected individual is immediately restored to life with their full normal compliment of Power, Spell Slots, Life, Ki and Adrenals as if they had benefited from a full nights sleep. All skills and abilities that are restricted in use to a number of times per sleep period (such as the ability to Memonic or Meditate or a Warrior's Knockback skill) that have been used that day are not regained following a Resurrection. The rank of Resurrection required is dependent on the spirit strength of the departed being. Each time you are resurrected you require the next highest rank of Resurrection. This is summarised below:

Death Resurrection Required
First Rank 7
Second Rank 8 (see Spirit Bond)
Third Rank 9 (see Spirit Bond)
Fourth Rank 10 (see Spirit Bond)
Fifth Permanent Death (See "Starting a new character")

Spirit Bond 7

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation binds a small portion of the target's spirit to the caster, allowing the caster to bring them back to life using a rank 7 Resurrection invocation regardless of the number of times they had died before. Once the invocation has been cast the spiritual bond will remain in place until either the caster or the target chooses to end it (a dead target cannot choose to sever a Spirit Bond). Even the death of the caster will not end a Spirit Bond. Because the spiritual bond is created by the invocation and not an invocation in effect the caster is not "out" any power for it. There is no limit to how many spiritual bonds a person may have, either cast by them or upon them. It is generally assumed that a caster with Spirit Bond has already bonded with members of his party before embarking on an adventure. He will therefore not begin an adventure "out" any power for Spirit Bond.

Unshackle Spirit 6

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will remove the Evil Sphere invocation Possession from a single target.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations