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Hospitaler Lay Power

Invoke Sphere 5

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description This invocation takes a full 5 minutes to cast and requires a consistent and appropriate ceremony to be performed centred upon a casting mat (see the high level casting page). Upon completion the caster has called directly on the Good Sphere for aid and so may cast a single Good Ritual Invocation, at normal use of power, using vocals only, without the normal 15 minutes casting time. The Ritual invocation must be cast within 15 minutes of the Invoke, and until it is cast no invocations from other Spheres can be cast nor can another Invoke Sphere be cast. The caster may only cast a Ritual Invocation that he is already capable of casting, no additional casting ability is granted by this invocation.

Invocation List

Befriend 1 - 5
Burial 5
Courage Range 3
Cure Blindness 4
Martyr's Touch 5
Neutralise Poison 4
Protection Vs. Bleeding 3
Protection Vs. Disease 1, 3, 5

Invocation Descriptions

Befriend 1 - 5

Range 20 ft

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description This invocation creates a bond between the caster and the target such that they both believe themselves to be the firmest of friends who would wish no harm to come to each other. Neither is aware of the presence of an invocation at work and cannot be convinced of it, but once the invocation ends both parties will be aware that some effect has constrained their actions.

The bond only extends to the two involved and does not affect their view of any other person or creature in the vicinity, nor does it give either influence over the other apart from the trust between close comrades and friends. Befriend only affects living, humanoid creatures at the ranks shown below:

Rank Player Ranks Affected Monster Hits Affected
1 4 20
2 8 40
3 16 60
4 32 80
5 64 100

Burial 5

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the caster to ensure the peaceful passing on of a Spirit from its body. When cast on a recently deceased individual it protects the body and the departed spirit from being interfered with. A body which has received a Burial invocation may not be used to raise an undead, the spirit may not be contacted by a Talk to Dead or similar invocation and other invocations or abilities that would normally affect the dead will not function on a Buried individual. A body which has received a Burial may still be resurrected and any Spirit Bonds that the target may have had are not removed by a Burial.

The invocation has no effect upon a body which is already an undead.

Courage Range 3

Range 20 ft

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation works in exactly the same way as the Rank 2 Courage invocation but at a range of 20ft.

Cure Blindness 4

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will cure any form of Blindness from the target.

Martyr's Touch 5

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The caster is able to take the suffering of others onto themselves using this invocation. Any one debilitating effect (such as Blindness, Dumbness, Disease etc.) of up to rank or level 8 may be transferred from its original target to the caster of the Martyr's Touch. The rank, duration and effect of the transferred malady are unaffected. Damage may never be transferred using a Martyr's Touch.

Neutralise Poison 4

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will cure any Poison of Rank 5 or below.

Protection Vs. Bleeding 3

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? N/A

Description Whilst this invocation is in effect the target does not suffer bleeding damage from wounds, throat slits or similar effects.

Protection Vs. Disease 1, 3, 5

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The Target is immune to all Diseases of the same or lower rank that the effective rank of the Protection Vs. Disease invocation as summarised below. A Disease received before the Protection from Disease was cast will affect the victim normally.

Rank Disease Protected Against
1 Minor (Rank 1)
3 Medium (Rank 3)
5 Major (Rank 5)

Because a Disease invocation takes time to take effect the caster of a Disease will be unaware that the invocation has failed against a protected target. It is therefore not necessary to say "No Effect" when struck with a Disease to which you are protected against.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations