Hospitaler Cosmic Power

Invocation List

Cure Disease 9
Field Surgery 9
Hallowed Ground 9
Heal 9, 10
Healing Hands 9
Martyr's Touch 9
Mass Cure 9, 10
Mass Heal 9
Mass Resurrection 10
Resurrection 9, 10
Unshackle Spirit 9

Invocation Descriptions

Cure Disease 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 7 Cure Disease invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "May purity purge this disease") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Cure Disease 7 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Cure Disease 9. The High Priest will be out 16 power whilst the Cure Disease 9 is in effect (9 for the Cure Disease 9 and 7 for the stored Cure Disease 7). Once the Rank 7 Cure disease is released all 16 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Cure Disease invocation in effect at a time.

Field Surgery 9

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest becomes an expert on a particular malady which is not curable through the use of normal invocations.

When this invocation is chosen the High Priest chooses his area of expertise (suggested specialisations include, Permanent damage, Vampirism or Lcanthropy) and a unique name for the invocation. By performing a unique ceremony dedicated to this invocation, and with the patient present for the full duration of the casting, the High Priest is able to cure them of the chosen effect. The High Priest should role play the healing process throughout his casting (such as Unshackle Spirit when curing Vampirism or Heal when curing permanent damage).

This invocation must be role played. It cannot be written on scrolls and may only be cast in character on events.

This invocation may be chosen multiple times, choosing a different malady each time.

Hallowed Ground 9

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest casting it to dedicate an area of ground to his Sphere. The area in question should be marked by a casting mat and ritual components covering an area no smaller than a 6 ft. diameter circle. The components in question should be checked with the player referee, at the start of the adventure, to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements for cosmic casting. Once set up this casting area cannot be disturbed by anyone other than the caster who can only remove it by releasing the invocation.

The Hallowed area allows the High Priest to cast further cosmic invocations within it. This is the only way in which Cosmic invocations can be cast away from the Sect's ceremony areas situated outside of the Towers.

In order to cast a cosmic invocation the High Priest must first invoke within the Hallowed area (requiring 5 minutes and their normal casting kit) followed by a 15 minute ritual dedicated to the cosmic invocation they are attempting to cast. No time reduction will be made on these castings as excellent casting kit and vocals are required for Cosmic Invocations.

Heal 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description At Rank 9 this invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 6 Heal invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Mend this shattered form!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Heal 6 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Heal 9. The High Priest will be out 15 power whilst the Heal 9 is in effect (9 for the Heal 9 and 6 for the stored Heal). Once the Rank 6 Heal is released all 15 power may be restored normally.

At Rank 10 this invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 6 Heal invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Mend this shattered form!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked. The Heal released by a rank 10 heal may be targeted at a range of 20 ft. rather than touch as is usually the case.

The Heal 6 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Heal 10. The High Priest will be out 16 power whilst the Heal 10 is in effect (10 for the Heal 10 and 6 for the stored Heal). Once the Rank 6 Heal is released all 16 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Heal and a single Rank 10 Heal invocation in effect at a time, although you may have one of each Rank 9 and 10.

Healing Hands 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation fills the caster with the power of the Good Sphere allowing him to perform multiple Heal invocations from a single casting.

When a High Priest with a Healing Hands invocation in effect casts a Rank 6 Heal using the full casting ritual (never from a Heal 9, Scroll, Vocal length ability or anything else at all) he may cast the Heal invocation upon every person touched within 1 minute of completing his casting. Each Heal released in this way costs the High Priest 6 power as usual.

For example Djimm has a Healing Hands in effect and three of his party require a Heal. He sits and casts a Rank 6 Heal invocation, performing the full 10 minute ritual (he has an excellent casting kit of course). At the completion of his casting he touches each of the three injured party members and they each gain the benefit of the Heal invocation. This costs Djimm 18 power as he has effectively performed three rank 6 Heal invocations.

Healing Hands is effectively permanent and will only cease to be in effect if the caster releases it or is slain.

Martyr's Touch 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 8 Martyr's Touch invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "I take your suffering unto me!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Martyr's Touch 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Martyr's Touch 9. The High Priest will be out 17 power whilst the Martyr's Touch 9 is in effect (9 for the Rank 9 and 8 for the stored Martyr's Touch 8). Once the Rank 8 Martyr's Touch is released all 17 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Martyr's Touch invocation in effect at a time.

Mass Cure Wounds 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description At Rank 9 this invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 6 Mass Cure Wounds invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Mend this shattered form!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Mass Cure Wounds 6 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Mass Cure Wounds 9. The High Priest will be out 15 power whilst the Mass Cure Wounds 9 is in effect (9 for the Mass Cure Wounds 9 and 6 for the stored Mass Cure Wounds). Once the Rank 6 Mass Cure Wounds is released all 15 power may be restored normally.

At Rank 10 this invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 7 Mass Cure Wounds invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Mend this shattered form!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Mass Cure Wounds 7 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Mass Cure Wounds 10. The High Priest will be out 17 power whilst the Mass Cure Wounds 10 is in effect (10 for the Mass Cure Wounds 10 and 7 for the stored Mass Cure Wounds). Once the Rank 7 Mass Cure Wounds is released all 17 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Mass Cure Wounds and a single Rank 10 Mass Cure Wounds invocation in effect at a time, although you may have one of each Rank 9 and 10.

Mass Heal 9

Range 10 ft. diameter circle, centered on caster

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description Every character who remains within 10 feet of the caster for the full duration of the casting ceremony receives a rank 6 Heal invocation at the completion of the ceremony.

Mass Resurrection 10

Range 10 ft. diameter circle, centered on caster

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description Every dead character who remains within 10 feet of the caster for the full duration of the casting ceremony receives a rank 7 Resurrection invocation at the completion of the ceremony. For the purpose of Spirit Bonds it is as if the caster of the Mass Resurrection had cast each of the Resurrection 7's (although he expends only the 10 power for the Mass Resurrection regardless of the amount of Resurrection 7's produced).

Resurrection 9, 10

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation is the Good Sphere's way of bringing the dead back to life. Resurrection may only be cast on the body of a dead humanoid creature (including all dead player characters). A Resurrected individual is immediately restored to life with their full normal compliment of Power, Spell Slots, Life, Ki and Adrenals as if they had benefited from a full nights sleep. All skills and abilities that are restricted in use to a number of times per sleep period (such as the ability to Memonic or Meditate or a Warrior's Knockback skill) that have been used that day are not regained following a Resurrection. The rank of Resurrection required is dependent on the spirit strength of the departed being. Each time you are resurrected you require the next highest rank of Resurrection. This is summarised below:

Death Resurrection Required
First Rank 7
Second Rank 8 (see Spirit Bond)
Third Rank 9 (see Spirit Bond)
Fourth Rank 10 (see Spirit Bond)
Fifth Permanent Death (See "Starting a new character")

Unshackle Spirit 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 6 Unshackle Spirit invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Let your mind be free!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Unshackle Spirit 6 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Unshackle Spirit 9. The High Priest will be out 15 power whilst the Unshackle Spirit 9 is in effect (9 for the Rank 9 and 6 for the stored Unshackle Spirit 6). Once the Rank 6 Unshackle Spirit is released all 15 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Unshackle Spirit invocation in effect at a time.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations