Sect Specific Invocations

Members of one of the Sects or Martial Orders are able to learn new invocations from their chosen Guild by spending status on the Learn Additional Invocations skills. Lists of these invocations, for each Sect, can be found below.

Note that for the purposes of learning new invocations members of the Martial Orders are treated as secondary members of the Path Sect for their Tower (Dark Path for Fell Knights, Grey Path for Knights Martial, White Path for the Order of Saint Michel).

Learning Additional Invocations

Any character who is either a Primary or Secondary member of one of the Sects may learn additional spells from that Sect by spending Status on the Learn Additional Invocations Skill. Before status may be spent on learning additional invocations with a Sect the character must already have a Talisman, obtained though either their Primary or Secondary Guild.  This means that although a character may have a Talisman at 200 points, they will be unable to become a Priest or cast additional or Ritual Invocations until they gain their next point of status at 300 points.

Both Primary and Secondary Sect members are taught the invocation Invoke Sphere Rank 5 for free and at no additional cost of status when they construct their Talisman.

Primary Guildmembers

By swearing one status to their Primary Sect Guildmembers a character will receive 3 Invocation choices from the lists below (after they have been given their Talisman). For invocations of ranks 1 - 5 all ranks of a single invocation (such as Beguilement 1 - 5) count as a single choice. For invocations of ranks 6 - 8 each rank of invocation counts as a seperate choice. (Beguilement 6 - 8 counts as 3 choices for example). You must learn any lower rank versions of an invocation before learning a higher rank version. You must learn Beguilement 1 - 6 before learning Beguilement 7 for example. Primary Guildmembers are free to split their choices across both of the invocation lists for their Sect when selecting invocations. Thus a Primary Brethren Priest may choose Beguilement 1 - 5, Beguilement 6 and Favour of Ushaz 6 as their three choices when expending status on the Learn Additional Invocations skill.

Secondary Guildmembers

Upon making their Talisman, costing one point of status, Secondary Guildmembers are then permitted to spend further status to learn additional invocations.

By swearing one status to their Secondary Sect Guildmembers receive 2 Invocation choices from the lists below. For invocations of ranks 1 - 5 all ranks of a single invocation (such as Beguilement 1 - 5) count as a single choice. For invocations of ranks 6 - 8 each rank of invocation counts as a seperate choice. (Beguilement 6 - 8 counts as 3 choices for example). You must learn any lower rank versions of an invocation before learning a higher rank version. You must learn Beguilement 1 - 6 before learning Beguilement 7 for example. Primary Guildmembers are free to split their choices across both of the invocation lists for their Sect when selecting invocations. Thus a Secondary Brethren Priest may choose Beguilement 1 - 5 and Favour of Ushaz 6 as their two choices when expending status on the Learn Additional Invocations skill.

{short description of image} {short description of image} {short description of image}
White Path Lay Invocations Grey Path Lay Invocations Dark Path Lay Invocations
White Path Ritual Invocations Grey Path Ritual Invocations Dark Path Ritual Invocations
White Path Cosmic Invocations Grey Path Cosmic Invocations Dark Path Cosmic Invocations
{short description of image} {short description of image} {short description of image}
Micheline Lay Invocations Gauntlet Lay Invocations Brethren Lay Invocations
Micheline Ritual Invocations Gauntlet Ritual Invocations Brethren Ritual Invocations
Micheline Cosmic Invocations Gauntlet Cosmic Invocations Brethren Cosmic Invocations
{short description of image} {short description of image} {short description of image}
Humacti Lay Invocations Druid Lay Invocations Reaper Lay Invocations
Humact Ritual Invocations Druid Ritual Invocations Reaper Ritual Invocations
Humacti Cosmic Invocations Druid Cosmic Invocations Reaper Cosmic Invocations
{short description of image} {short description of image} {short description of image}
Hospitaler Lay Invocations Warden Lay Invocations Dark Seers Lay Invocations
Hospitaler Ritual Invocations Warden Ritual Invocations Dark Seers Ritual Invocations
Hospitaler Cosmic Invocations Warden Cosmic Invocations Dark Seers Cosmic Invocations
{short description of image}
Necromancers Lay Invocations
Necromancers Ritual Invocations

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations