Reaper Ritual Power

Invocation List

Attract Good 6
Bone Break 6
Banish Good Spirit 7
Cause Disease 7
Cause Mortal 6 - 8
Greater Curse 8
Howl of Rage 7
Howl of Spite 6 - 8
Inflict Pain 6
Life Steal 6 - 8
Mass Curse 8
Power Drain 6 - 8
Power Steal 6 - 8
Remove Spiritual Protection 7
Shroud of Ushaz 7
Spiritual Barrier 8
Spirit Wrack 8 (must learn Inflict Pain 6 first)
Touch of Evil 6 - 8
Weapon of Woe 6 - 8

Invocation Descriptions

Attract Good 6

Range 20ft

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The target is compelled to move towards the caster as fast as possible to the exclusion of exclusion of everything else. The target may be held in place by another character of with a greater level of strength. The compulsion will last until the target has moved to within two feet of the caster. The invocation only affects individuals with the skill "Connection with Good Sphere" (regardless of whether or not it is their first, second or third Sphere), or characters who believe themselves to be "good".

Bone Break 6

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description The caster uses the Evil Sphere to shatter the victim's limb. Having completed his vocals the caster should touch the limb to be affected on a successful lunge with both hands and shout "Bone Break" to indicate the effect. The invocation only works on the limbs of a target, the Head and Torso are unaffected by the Bone Break invocation.

Banish Good Spirit 7

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description The caster calls the Evil Sphere to Banish a summoned goodly spirit from it's host. This invocation will remove any Good Spirit invocation of up to Rank 8 from the target.

Cause Disease 7

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The target is afflicted with a fatal wasting disease. They will begin to feel sick and weak immediately and will fall unconscious after one minute. If left without treatment the victim will die five minutes after the invocation was cast upon them.

Having finished the appropriate casting and vocals the character would touch his target with both hands and shout "Cause Fatal Disease" to indicate the effect.

The Good Sphere invocation Cure Disease 7 will remove a Fatal Disease from a target as will six Cure Disease Rank 5's. Obviously in both cases the invocations must be cast prior to death to have any effect.

Cause Mortal Wounds 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description Cause Mortal 6 - 8 inflicts a number of Cause Mortal Wound Rank 5's upon the target at the same time. The number of Cause Mortals and the total amount of monster hits inflicted are shown below.

Rank No. Rank 5 Cause Mortal Wounds Inflicted Monster Hits Inflicted
6 2 60
7 3 80
8 4 100

Because Cause Mortal 6 - 8 inflicts multiple Cause Mortal 5's the target's power armour class counts against each Cause Mortal 5 separately. Thus a character with a Bless level 5 in effect would suffer 38 points of damage from a Cause Mortal 5 and would therefore suffer (4 x 38 =) 152 points of damage from a Cause Mortal 8.

As the caster delivers the invocation against his target he should clearly shout the name of the invocation followed by the level and the number of monster hits inflicted. For example having finished the appropriate casting and vocals the character would touch his target with both hands and shout "Cause Mortal 6, 60 Hits".

Greater Curse 8

Range 20ft

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description This invocation places an aura of malign effect on the victim such that blows from any melee weapon increase in effect by two damage stages. This increase affects Magical, physical and Power damage, but only if that type of damage is already being done by the weapon. This invocation does not affect armour class of any type. It only affects weapon blows and has no effect upon hands, claws, ranged weapons or spells and invocations such as Lightning Bolt, Cause Wounds or Power Drain.

For example, a person under the influence of a Greater Curse is hit with a mace for "Triple", he takes "Quin". He is then hit with a sword for "Double Magic One" and takes "Quad Magic Three", finally a Ghoul hits him for "Power Four" and he still takes "Power Four" as this is not a weapon.

Note that a weapon doing "Magic 0" or "Power 0" is not considered to be doing Magic or Power damage for purposes of this invocation.

Howl of Rage 7

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The caster summons Evil Spirits into his body that he may release through his weapon to increase the Physical damage he can inflict. Each blow for which the character uses this invocation to increase his damage causes one point of life damage to the caster for each rank of damage increase. This damage cannot be prevented in any way. The character may increase his damage by up to three ranks per blow (so "Triple" would be increased to "Quartz"). Only the caster's Physical damage is increased through the use of this invocation, Power and Magic damage is unaffected.

The caster should role-play the pain that the invocation causes as he lands each improved blow. This could be a cry of exaltation to his aspect of the Evil Sphere or even a demented cackle depending on the character. The invocation ends immediately if the caster receives any Cure Wounds Invocation regardless of source. Note that Life Leech and Life Steal are not Cure Wounds Invocations.

The maximum damage that may be achieved with this invocation is Quartz.

Howl of Spite 6 - 8

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description The caster summons Evil Spirits into his body that he may release through his weapon to increase the Power damage he can inflict. Each blow for which the character uses this invocation to increase his damage causes one point of life damage to the caster for each rank of damage increase. This damage cannot be prevented in any way.

At Rank 6 the character may improve his Power Damage by one Rank, at Rank 7 he may increase it by up to two ranks and at Rank 8 he may increase his damage by up to three Ranks per blow ("Power 3" could be increased to "Power 6" for example). Only the caster's Power damage is increased through the use of this invocation; Physical and Magic damage is unaffected.

The caster should role-play the pain that the invocation causes as he lands each improved blow. This could be a cry of exaltation to his aspect of the Evil Sphere or even a demented cackle depending on the character. The invocation ends immediately if the caster receives any Cure Wounds Invocation regardless of source.

The maximum damage that may be achieved through the use of this invocation is "Power 6".

Inflict Pain 6

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description This invocation causes the victim to be wracked by pain. The pain negates the ability to cast, though items may be activated. No damage is taken, though the invocation will negate Sleep and Freeze effects. This spell does not prevent a character from defending himself or fighting. The invocation can be negated by the Good Sphere Remove Pain invocation.

Life Steal 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The Reaper rips the life force from their opponent using the power of the Evil Sphere. The Victim receives a Cause Mortal Wounds invocation and the caster recovers lost life points as shown below.

Rank Damage Inflicted Healing Received
6 Cause Mortal 5 30 Life
7 Cause Mortal 5 60 Life
8 Cause Mortal 5 90 Life

On a successful touch attack the caster should shout "Life Steal, 20 Hits" to indicate the amount of damage caused. The caster should be aware of how much curing they gain from the invocation.

Mass Curse 8

Range 20ft long Cone, 90 degree arc to the caster's front

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description This spell has exactly the same effect as the Rank 4 Evil Invocation Curse with the exception that it affects everyone in a cone 20ft long to the caster's front. The caster should indicate the angle of the cone using his outstretched arms at the end of his casting.

Power Steal 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? No

Description This invocation allows the caster to transfer Power from one person of choice (willing or otherwise) at the rate of Power every thirty seconds detailed below. The caster must concentrate for the duration of the transfer and remain in constant physical contact with the target. Once contact or concentration is broken the invocation is ended, but until then any amount of Power can be transferred. The Power so stolen enters the casting character himself.

Rank Power Stolen per 30 seconds Approximate Power Stolen per second
6 30 1
7 60 2
8 90 3

Power can never be taken over the caster's normal maximum. The caster must concentrate, without moving, for the duration of the casting and be in constant physical contact with the target. Once contact is broken the invocation is ended, but until then any amount of Power can be transferred at the rates shown above. The invocation will only work on forms of life close to human such as elves, orcs, dwarves, drow etc. and will not work on Hordelings, trolls, Ogre Magi etc. (referee's discretion). This invocation causes one point of damage per point of power taken (due to Power loss) to the donor. The pain is constant, prohibiting spell casting whilst being the victim of a Power Steal.

Power Drain 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description This invocation will give the caster the ability to drain Power with a single touch of his hands. The Power drained is as follows, and the victim also sustains one total life point of damage per point of Power successfully drained:

Rank Power Drained (Total) Power Drained (per Hand)
6 32 16
7 64 32
8 128 64

A one handed touch from a higher Rank invocation drains only the "per hand" Power and exhausts the invocation completely. The victim gains the defence of their Power Armour Class against each hand and the invocation cannot be split between two victims.

The victim cannot fall beneath zero Power, and if the victim reaches zero Power then unconsciousness will result as usual.

Upon completion of his vocals and a successful lunge the caster should call "Power Drain" followed by the amount of power drained rather than the rank of the invocation. Power Drain Rank 8 would therefore be called as "Power Drain 128".

Remove Spiritual Protection 7

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will destroy (remove) any Good Sphere Bless or Protection from Evil Invocation of up to Rank 8 that the target currently has in effect. It will also remove the Evil Sphere invocations Cloak of Ushaz (rank 4) and Shroud of Ushaz (rank 7).

Shroud of Ushaz 7

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description This invocation bestows upon the caster an embodiment of the Evil Sphere that gives an effective Power Armour Class of 12. This Cloak stacks with both unarmoured and armoured dexterity, but will not stack with any protection from the Good Sphere. This invocation does not stack with the Rank 4 Evil invocation Cloak of Ushaz. Note that worshippers of different Aspects of the Evil Sphere may choose to name this invocation after their own Aspect rather than Ushaz (Shroud of Morgoth for example).

Spiritual Barrier 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description The victim becomes unable to cast lay rank Good Sphere invocations for the duration of the Spiritual Barrier. Invocations already in effect are not affected. The Good Sphere invocation Remove Greater Curse 8 will remove a Spiritual Barrier from a single target.

Spirit Wrack 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description The victim's body and mind are wracked with agony leaving them able to do anything requiring concentration or mental effort. The target of a Spirit Wrack will still defend themselves if attacked.

The Good Sphere Invocation Remove Pain will lessen the effects of the Spirit Wrack but the invocation must be cast once on each of the victim's six locations to remove the invocation and allow them to act normally again.

Touch of Evil 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The caster calls forth the destructive energies of the Evil Sphere to destroy the victim's body.

A Rank 6 Touch of Evil is known as Harm. The target is reduced to 12 total and 2 locational life. Monsters are reduced to 3 Hits. Upon the completion of his vocals and a successful two-handed touch the caster should shout "Harm" at his target to indicate the effect.

A Rank 7 Touch of Evil is known as Maim. The target's life force is nearly driven from their body, and they are brought to the verge of death, being instantly incapacitated (in game terms the victim is reduced to an elixired state, as if they have been near to death but temporarily saved by the application of a lesser elixir). Note that the victim will still die unless they receive appropriate healing attention (just as if they had indeed received a lesser elixir) within 5 minutes of being Maimed. Upon the completion of his vocals and a successful two-handed touch the caster should shout ‘Maim’ at his target to indicate the effect.

A Rank 8 Touch of Evil is known as Death. If the target has never died before (has not previously lost a resurrection chance) then he is instantly slain and an Elixir will not save him. If the target has died at least once previously then they will suffer the effects of a Maim instead of being slain. Upon the completion of his vocals and a successful two-handed touch the caster should shout "Death" at his target to indicate the effect.

Touch of Evil will only work on living creatures. Undead, Elementals and similar unnatural creatures are not affected.

Weapon of Woe 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description One weapon type chosen by the caster at the time of learning the Weapon of Woe invocation can be empowered to do spiritual damage. A character may learn Sword of Woe for example allowing him to cast the invocation on swords only. A character may learn the Weapon of Woe invocation multiple times, choosing a different weapon type each time, but must always learn the each type from rank 6 upwards as if it were a completely new invocation. It would not be possible to learn Sword of Woe at rank 6 - 8 and then learn Axe of Woe at 8; you must learn the rank 6 and 7 versions first.

The power damage granted by a Weapon of Woe is shown below;

Rank Power Damage
6 Power 3
7 Power 4
8 Power 5

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations