Micheline Cosmic Power

Invocation List

Arm of Justice 9
Cosmic Defence 9, 10
Hallowed Ground 9
Heal 9
Mass Protection vs. Evil 9, 10
Personal Blessing 9, 10
Remove Curse 9
Strength of Michel 9, 10
Summon Good Spirit 9

Invocation Descriptions

Arm of Justice 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one Arm of Justice invocation of rank 6 - 8 within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Weapon of Power to my hand!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Arm of Justice 6 - 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Arm of Justice 9. The High Priest will be out between 15 and 17 power whilst the Arm of Justice 9 is in effect (9 for the Arm of Justice 9 and between 6 and 8 for the stored Arm of Justice 6 - 8). Once the Rank 6 - 8 Arm of Justice is released all power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Arm of Justice invocation in effect at a time.

Cosmic Defence 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation fills the caster with the power of the Faith, which fortifies any Protection vs. Evil invocations cast by them.

At Rank 9 any Protection vs. Evil invocation (including Mass Protection against Evil) cast by the High Priest is increased in duration by a factor of four as if the invocation had been cast down a rank. For example a Protection vs. Evil Rank 8 cast down to a 5 would last for 64 hours, rather than 16, if the caster had a Cosmic Defence 9 in effect.

At Rank 10 any Protection vs. Evil invocation (including Mass Protection against Evil) cast by the High Priest is increased in duration by a factor of four as if the invocation had been cast down a rank. This increase in duration stacks with that provided by a Cosmic Defence 9 if the High Priest has both in effect. For example a Protection vs. Evil Rank 8 cast down to a 5 would last for 256 hours rather than 16 if the caster had both a Cosmic Defence 9 and 10 in effect.

Cosmic Defence is effectively permanent, it will only cease to be in effect if the caster releases it or dies. The High Priest would be out 9 Power for a Rank 9 Cosmic Defence in effect or 19 if he had both the rank 9 and the rank 10 in effect.

Hallowed Ground 9

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest casting it to dedicate an area of ground to his Sphere. The area in question should be marked by a casting mat and ritual components covering an area no smaller than a 6 ft. diameter circle. The components in question should be checked with the player referee, at the start of the adventure, to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements for cosmic casting. Once set up this casting area cannot be disturbed by anyone other than the caster who can only remove it by releasing the invocation.

The Hallowed area allows the High Priest to cast further cosmic invocations within it. This is the only way in which Cosmic invocations can be cast away from the Sect's ceremony areas situated outside of the Towers.

In order to cast a cosmic invocation the High Priest must first invoke within the Hallowed area (requiring 5 minutes and their normal casting kit) followed by a 15 minute ritual dedicated to the cosmic invocation they are attempting to cast. No time reduction will be made on these castings as excellent casting kit and vocals are required for Cosmic Invocations.

Heal 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 6 Heal invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Mend this shattered form!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Heal 6 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Heal 9. The High Priest will be out 15 power whilst the Heal 9 is in effect (9 for the Heal 9 and 6 for the stored Heal). Once the Rank 6 Heal is released all 15 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Heal invocation in effect at a time.

Mass Protection against Evil 9, 10

Range 10 ft. diameter circle, centered on caster

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description The High Priest entreats the Good Sphere to spread it's protection over everyone present for the full duration of casting.

At Rank 9 Mass Protection against Evil casts a Rank 6 Protection vs. Evil upon everyone within range. This Protection vs. Evil may be cast down for increased duration at the will of the recipient and the duration is also increased if the caster of the Mass Protection against Evil has a Cosmic Defender invocation in effect.

At Rank 10 Mass Protection against Evil casts a Rank 7 Protection vs. Evil upon everyone within range. This Protection vs. Evil may be cast down for increased duration at the will of the recipient and the duration is also increased if the caster of the Mass Protection against Evil has a Cosmic Defender invocation in effect.

Mass Protection against Evil is unusual in that the recipient of the Protection vs. Evil rather than the caster of the Mass Protection against Evil who must expend the power cost for the Protection vs. Evil invocation. For example Durg, a Half Orc Warrior with 8 power, receives a Mass Protection against Evil 10 giving him a Protection vs. Evil 7 which he chooses to have cast down to a Protection vs. Evil 4 for 16 hours. Durg must expend 7 Power for the Protection vs. Evil of which 4 (the effective rank of the Protection vs. Evil) is "out" and cannot be recovered through normal means until the Protection vs. Evil has ceased to be "in effect".

This invocation will have no effect upon a character who has a Connection with the Evil Sphere.

Personal Blessing 9, 10

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest casts his own personal blessing upon the recipient providing them with increased power armour class.

At Rank 9 Personal Blessing provides +1 Power Armour Class which stacks with all other forms of Power Armour Class.

At Rank 10 Personal Blessing provides +2 Power Armour Class which stacks with all other forms of Power Armour Class.

A character may only have a single Personal Blessing in effect at a time.

Personal Blessing is usually named after the caster so becoming Saint Michel's Blessing or similar. It is effectively permanent unless the caster releases the invocation or is slain. The caster is "out" the power used to cast the Personal Blessing until it ceases to be in effect.

Remove Curse 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 8 Remove Curse invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "For the Saint I dismiss this Curse!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Remove Curse 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Remove Curse 9. The High Priest will be out 17 power whilst the Remove Curse 9 is in effect (9 for the Remove Curse 9 and 8 for the stored Remove Curse 8). Once the Rank 8 Remove Curse is released all 17 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Remove Curse invocation in effect at a time.

Strength of Michel 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest becomes embodied with the essence of the Saint's Purity allowing his fighting abilities to be further increased by invocations.

At Rank 9 Strength of Michel allows the character damage to be enhanced by invocations to a maximum damage of Sept rather than Quartz as is usually the case.

At Rank 10 Strength of Michel allows the characters damage to be enhanced by invocations to a maximum damage of Sept rather than Quartz as is usually the case. Should the caster have both a Strength of Michel 10 and a Strength of Michel of rank 6, 7, 8 or 9 in effect at the same time then the maximum damage achievable through the use of invocations is further increased to Oct.

Strength of Michel 9 and 10 will remain in effect until released or until the caster is slain.

Summon Good Spirit 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation summons the High Priests personal guardian spirit of the Good Sphere to inhabit and watch over his body.

If the High Priest is ever reduced to 0 total life points then the Good Spirit will immediately cast a Rank 6 Heal invocation upon them. This ends the Good Spirit invocation. Should the High Priest ever be hit with a successful Maim invocation then the High Priest will suffer no ill effects from the Maim but the Good Spirit will be expended. Once the Heal is released (or the Spirit staves off a Maim invocation) the Good Spirit leaves the casters body and ceases to be in effect.

The caster is out 15 Power until the Good Spirit ceases to be in effect (9 for the Good Spirit invocation and 6 for the Heal that it holds).

A person may only ever have one Good Spirit in effect at any one time.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations