Humact Ritual Power

Invocation List

Aid of Humact 6 - 8
Bless 6 - 8
Cure Disease 7
Dismiss Undead 6 - 8
Hand of Humact 6 - 8
Heal 6
Humact's Sanction 8
Invoke Sphere 8
Mass Remove Paralysis 7
Power Weapon 6 - 8
Protection Vs. Disease 7
Protection Vs. Fear 6 - 8
Protection Vs. Paralysis 6 - 8
Protection Vs. Undead 6 - 8
Mass Repel Undead 8
Resurrection 7, 8
Spirit Bond 7
Unshackle Spirit 6
Weapon of Disruption 6 - 8

Invocation Descriptions

Aid of Humact 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? Yes

Description This invocation provides the caster with the effect of one, two or three Rank 4 Aid of Humact Invocations at ranks 6, 7 and 8 respectively. The caster may cast additional Aid of Humact 4 invocations upon the target of an Aid of Humact 6 - 8.

If the recipient is targeted with a Fear or Paralysis effect the lower ranking Aid of Humact invocations will be used up first in resisting them. Aid of Humact will only take effect upon an individual with a connection to the Good Sphere. The Aid of Humact 6 - 8 invocation will remain in effect until used up in resisting Fear or Paralysis effects.

Bless 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description This invocation bestows upon the recipient a Power armour class at the rate of one point of armour class per Rank of the invocation:

Rank Power Armour Class Provided
6 6
7 7
8 8

This invocation can be extended. Physical and Magical armour class are unaffected. This invocation stacks with either unarmoured or armoured dexterity but will not work in conjunction with any Evil invocation, such as Cloak of Ushaz.

Cure Disease 7

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will cure any Disease with an effective rank of 8 or less.

Dismiss Undead 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the caster to dismiss one undead spirit, of the same rank as the Dismiss, from the plane. Upon completion of the vocal the caster must extend his empty weapon hand, palm outwards, towards the undead to be affected and attract its attention by shouting 'Spirit of NAME I dismiss thee hence'. The NAME will be the type of the undead as revealed by a Discern Undead, or the true name of a more powerful undead creature. The undead will back away in a straight line from this whilst the caster continues his chant, until the caster sustains damage or until the undead reaches a solid object behind it.

The undead may NOT attack the caster during this time. Subject to continuing to concentrate upon the dismisser, it may however Attack any others foolish enough to step within reach. If the undead reaches a solid object then the caster must utter the phrase 'Spirit of NAME be gone', and touch the undead; whereupon the undead is instantly dismissed. Note that only standard undead with one or two names can be dismissed e.g. a "Rank 5 Ghoul" or a "Rank 6 Warrior Ghoul" can be dismissed. An unranked undead, or one with three or more name parts, can not be dismissed without further information.

Hand of Humact 6 - 8

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description This invocation increases the caster's physical damage with weapons by a number of ranks as shown below. The increase in the caster's physical damage only applies when striking an undead creature; it provides no bonus against an opponent who is not Undead.

Rank Physical Damage Increase
6 +1
7 +2
8 +3

The maximum damage that may be achieved through the use of this invocation is quartz.

If the caster is unsure whether or not a particular opponent is Undead then the caster should always assume that they are not (and therefore not call the increased Damage) until they know for sure.

Heal 6

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will return the target to their maximum total and locational life and will mend all broken bones that the target may have.

Humact's Sanction 8

Range 20 ft

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description Any Undead creature targeted by this invocation will receive +2 ranks of damage from any weapon blow received whilst the Humact's Sanction is in effect. An Undead with a Humact's Sanction in effect will take 4 hits per blow from a character doing "Power 2" for example or 6 hits from a character doing "Quad". Humact's Sanction does not cancel any special immunities that the Undead creature may have, it would not make a Ghoul susceptible to physical damage for instance. Humact's Sanction has no effect upon creatures that are not Undead.

Invoke Sphere 8

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description Upon completion the caster has called directly on the Good Sphere for aid and so may cast up to two Good Ritual Invocations, at normal use of power, using vocals only, without the normal 15 minute casting time. The Ritual invocations must be cast within 15 minutes of the Invoke, and until they are cast no invocations from other Spheres can be cast, nor can another Invoke Sphere be cast. The caster may only cast Ritual Invocations that he is already capable of casting, no additional casting ability is granted by this invocation.

Mass Remove Paralysis 7

Range Circle, 10ft radius, centred on caster

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation has the same effect as the rank 3 Remove Paralysis invocation but affects all characters within 10ft of the caster when the invocation is cast.

Mass Repel Undead 8

Range 20ft Cone 90 Degrees to the caster's front

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description All undead creatures within the area of effect of the invocation are driven back 20ft directly away from the caster regardless of the strength level of the undead.

Power Weapon 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description One blunt weapon can be empowered to do spiritual damage as shown below;

Rank Power Damage Inflicted
6 Power 3
7 Power 4
8 Power 5

Protection Vs. Disease 7

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The Target is immune to all Diseases of the same or lower rank that the effective rank of the Protection Vs. Disease invocation as summarised below. A Disease received before the Protection from Disease was cast will affect the victim normally.

Rank Disease Protected Against
1 Minor (Rank 1)
3 Medium (Rank 3)
5 Major (Rank 5)
7 Fatal (Rank 7)

Because a Disease invocation takes time to take effect the caster of a Disease will be unaware that the invocation has failed against a protected target. It is therefore not necessary to say "No Effect" when struck with a Disease to which you are protected against.

Protection Vs. Fear 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The Target is immune to the rank 3 Evil Sphere invocation Fear and other Fear-based effects for as long as the invocation is in effect. This invocation provides no additional benefits at ranks 7 and 8 but does allow the invocation to be extended.

Protection Vs. Paralysis 6 - 8

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The Target is immune to Paralysis effects (such as from a Ghoul or a paralysis venom). This invocation provides no additional benefits at ranks 7 and 8 but does allow the invocation to be extended.

Protection Vs. Undead 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The Target gains additional Power Armour Class against spiritual damage caused by Undead as shown below:

Rank Power Armour Class Vs. Undead
6 6
7 7
8 8

A Protection from Undead does not provide any additional protection from Invocations (such as Cause Wounds) even if the invocation was cast upon them by an Undead. The Power Armour Class provided by Protection from Undead will stack with any other form of Power Armour Class and/or dexterity with the exception of Power Armour Class provided by an Evil Invocation (such as a Cloak of Ushaz).

Resurrection 7, 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation is the Good Sphere's way of bringing the dead back to life. Resurrection may only be cast on the body of a dead humanoid creature (including all dead player characters). A Resurrected individual is immediately restored to life with their full normal compliment of Power, Spell Slots, Life, Ki and Adrenals as if they had benefited from a full nights sleep. All skills and abilities that are restricted in use to a number of times per sleep period (such as the ability to Memonic or Meditate or a Warrior's Knockback skill) that have been used that day are not regained following a Resurrection. The rank of Resurrection required is dependent on the spirit strength of the departed being. Each time you are resurrected you require the next highest rank of Resurrection. This is summarised below:

Death Resurrection Required
First Rank 7
Second Rank 8 (see Spirit Bond)
Third Rank 9 (see Spirit Bond)
Fourth Rank 10 (see Spirit Bond)
Fifth Permanent Death (See "Starting a new character")

Spirit Bond 7

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation binds a small portion of the target's spirit to the caster, allowing the caster to bring them back to life using a rank 7 Resurrection invocation regardless of the number of times they had died before. Once the invocation has been cast the spiritual bond will remain in place until either the caster or the target chooses to end it (a dead target cannot choose to sever a Spirit Bond). Even the death of the caster will not end a Spirit Bond. Because the spiritual bond is created by the invocation and not an invocation in effect the caster is not "out" any power for it. There is no limit to how many spiritual bonds a person may have, either cast by them or upon them. It is generally assumed that a caster with Spirit Bond has already bonded with members of his party before embarking on an adventure. He will therefore not begin an adventure "out" any power for Spirit Bond.

Unshackle Spirit 6

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation will remove the Evil Sphere invocation Possession from a single target.

Weapon of Disruption 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description This invocation calls the true power of Humact into a Weapon of a type chosen by the caster when he first learns the invocation (He may learn Sword of Disruption or Mace of Disruption for example).

When used to strike an Undead creature the weapon will inflict "Power 5". Against any other opponent the invocation has no effect.

If the caster is unsure whether or not a particular opponent is Undead then the caster should always assume that they are not (and therefore not call the Power Damage) until they know for sure.

Only the caster of a Weapon of Disruption may use the weapon to inflict Power damage, individuals other than caster attempting to wield the weapon gain no benefit from the invocation.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations