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Grey Path Ritual Power

Invocation List

Control Undead 6 - 8
Cure Wounds 6 - 8
Enhanced Reflexes 6 - 8
Halt 6 - 8
Power Hammer 6 - 8
Power Meld 6 - 8
Power Weapon 6 - 8
Speed Meditation 6
Spiritual Balance 7

Invocation Descriptions

Control Undead 6 - 8

Range 20 ft

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description This invocation allows the caster to take control of a single undead equal to or below the rank of Control. The undead will follow commands given to it, but its ability to follow such instructions will depend on its intelligence. Simple undead will follow commands to the letter, whilst more intelligent undead (such as Ghouls etc.) will try to cause havoc if allowed to, via poor wording of commands. Intelligent undead will not obey a direct order to destroy themselves.

The name of the type of undead to be controlled (as normally revealed by the invocation `discern undead') must be included in the vocals of this invocation. An undead whose name has two parts (i.e. Skeletal Warrior) cannot be controlled (but can be dismissed). An undead that registers as unranked can be neither controlled nor dismissed without additional information.

After the duration of the invocation has expired, control reverts to the necromancer responsible for raising the undead, unless another previous control is still running. Control of the Undead goes to the caster who cast the last control invocation still in operation.

Cure Wounds 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The caster calls upon the Neutral Sphere to cure his wounds. Cure Wounds will restore the following amount of lost life up to the targets usual maximum.

Rank Player Life Restored (per Hand) Monster Hits Restored
6 50 (25) 30
7 100 (50) 50
8 150 (75) 70

Enhanced Reflexes 6 - 8

Range Touch (see below)

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The caster summons the power of the Neutral Sphere to quicken their reflexes, granting them additional dexterity as shown below:

Rank Additional Dexterity Granted
6 +3
7 +4
8 +5

This additional dexterity will stack with either armoured or unarmoured dexterity but not with the additional dexterity provided by Enhanced Reflexes potions or other instances of the Enhanced Reflexes invocation. The caster may cast this invocation upon others at an effective rank no higher than 4.

Halt 6 - 8

Range 20 ft

Duration 10 Seconds

Extendable? No

Description This invocation will immobilise a target for 10 seconds or until damaged. An affected target may not move, speak or perform any other action. Halt affects creatures of various ranks as shown below:

Rank Player Ranks Affected Monster Hits Affected
6 64 200
7 128 400
8 256 600

Halt is unusual in that it only requires 1 line of vocals ("Halt I command thee be still") to cast although if the invocation is being cast without the use of an Invoke Sphere invocation then the 15 minute casting time is still required.

Halt will affect Undead creatures normally.

Power Hammer 6 - 8

Range 20 ft

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description The caster hurls an invisible missile of spiritual force at his target which strikes automatically for the damage shown below.

Rank Player Life Damage Monster Hits Inflicted
6 50 40
7 60 50
8 70 60

The damage from a Power Hammer is reduced by Power Armour Class only. Dexterity does not reduce the damage from a Power Hammer.

Power Meld 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description The caster may instantly take power from a willing target up to the caster's usual maximum limit. The maximum amount of Power taken depends on the rank at which the Power Meld is cast as shown below:

Rank Maximum Power Taken
6 50
7 100
8 150

Power Weapon 6 - 8

Range Touch

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description One blunt weapon or dagger can be empowered to do spiritual damage as shown below;

Rank Power Damage Inflicted
6 Power 3
7 Power 4
8 Power 5

Speed Meditation 6

Range Self Only

Duration Instant

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation may not be cast at vocal length through the use of the Invoke Sphere invocation.

At the completion of the casting of a Speed Meditation the caster recovers all of his Power to his usual maximum as if he had Meditated normally. This counts as the character's use of the Meditate skill for that day.

Spiritual Balance 7

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description The caster makes a pact with the Neutral Sphere to protect the target from spiritual extremes. The target becomes immune to all Evil and Good Sphere invocations of Rank 5 or below for the duration of the invocation.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations