Druid Lay Power

Invoke Sphere 5

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description This invocation takes a full 5 minutes to cast and requires a consistent and appropriate ceremony to be performed centred upon a casting mat (see the high level casting page). Upon completion the caster has called directly on the Neutral Sphere for aid and so may cast a single Neutral Ritual Invocation, at normal use of power, using vocals only, without the normal 15 minutes casting time. The Ritual invocation must be cast within 15 minutes of the Invoke, and until it is cast no invocations from other Spheres can be cast nor can another Invoke Sphere be cast. The caster may only cast a Ritual Invocation that he is already capable of casting, no additional casting ability is granted by this invocation.

Invocation List

Bark Skin 1 - 5
Cure 2 - 5
Entangle 3, 4
Mass Trip 5 (requires: Trip 1, 2)
Obscurement 1, 3, 5
Protection Vs. Elements 1 - 5
Regenerate 5
Speed Heal 4
Trip 1, 2

Invocation Descriptions

Bark Skin 1 - 5

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The casters skin becomes as hard as wood granting the following physical armour class:

Rank Physical Armour Class
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 8
5 10

The protection afforded by a Bark Skin will stack with armoured dexterity to provide improved protection. It will not combine with the protection of physical armour but the recipient will gain the benefit of the higher physical armour class provided by either the physical armour plus skills, or the Bark Skin. Bark Skin will render unarmoured dexterity unusable. The recipient gains only the armour class of the Bark Skin, even if your dexterity would have normally provided a higher armour class. Barkskin may only be cast on a willing target.

Entangle 3, 4

Range Touch (3), 20 ft (4)

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? No

Description The caster summons quick growing vines to hold the target fast to the ground. The target may not move their feet and their dexterity is halved whilst they are affected by the Entangle.

If the target has "Strength" then they may pull out of the Entangle at the rate of five seconds for each foot stuck to the floor. Even if the target's hands, or any other part of their body, are touching the ground only the feet are affected. See the skills descriptions page for further details on Strength.

It is not uncommon to see undead creatures pulling out of Entangles even if they lack strength; this is because the Undead feel no pain and are willing to leave parts of their bodies behind if required. Entangle may only be cast on targets outside. It will have no effect within a building of any sort.

Mass Trip

Range 20ft long cone 90 degrees to the caster's front

Duration Instant

Extendable? No

Description This spell has exactly the same effect as the Trip Invocation with the exception that it affects everyone in a cone 20ft long to the casters front. The caster should indicate the angle of the cone using his outstretched arms at the end of his casting.

Obscurement 1, 3, 5

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The caster summons Nature's protection to blend into the background becoming harder to hit with damaging effects. Obscurement provides additional physical, magical and power armour class as shown on the table below.

Rank Additional Armour Class
1 1
3 2
5 3

The armour class of Obscurement will stack with any other armour class regardless of source; except another Obscurement. Obscurement may only be cast outside in an area containing natural foliage such as plants, shrubs and trees (grass alone is not enough). It may never be cast in buildings; though the effect will remain upon entering a building.

Protection Vs. Elements 1 - 5

Range Self Only

Duration 15 Minutes

Extendable? Yes

Description The caster summons a shield of druidic power about them to stave off elemental attacks. Protection against Elements provides armour class against one colour of magic, chosen when the invocation is cast, as shown below:

Rank Magical Armour Class against chosen colour
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

The caster may have more than one Protection against Elements in effect at a time but each must protect against a different colour of magic.

The magical armour class provided by a Protection against Elements will stack with both armoured and unarmoured dexterity but not with the magical armour class provided by magical skins, in each case only the higher magical armour class is used. Note that it does not negate unarmoured dexterity.

Regenerate 5

Range Touch

Duration 4 Hours

Extendable? No

Description This invocation will cause a severed limb to grow back in four hours. It is possible to cast this invocation on a corpse in order to replace destroyed limbs but only if the invocation is cast on the largest portion of the corpse. If only part of a limb has been severed then the time taken to regrow it may be reduced at the referee's discretion.

Speed Heal 4

Range Touch

Duration 1 Hour

Extendable? No

Description The caster summons the healing spirit of nature to inhabit the caster, augmenting their natural healing ability. A Speed Heal cast immediately following a Regenerate 5 invocation on the same target will reduce the time taken to regrow the limb to 1 hour from 4. A Character with a Speed Heal invocation in effect upon them receives twice the amount of life from the Field Medicine Skill as usual.

Trip 1, 2

Range Touch (1), 20 ft (2)

Duration3 Seconds

Extendable? No

Description The caster summons vines to grow quickly from ground to catch the feet of his target. The Target must stumble as if they had tripped, good role-playing is compulsory, it takes three seconds for them to regain their balance but they are then free to act normally.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations