Dark Path Cosmic Power

Invocation List

Cause Mortal 9
Curse 9
Fear Pact 9
Forked Tongue 9, 10
Power Steal 9
Shroud of Ushaz 9, 10
Spiritual Barrier 9
Unhallowed Ground 9
Weapon of Woe 9

Invocation Descriptions

Cause Mortal 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store a number of Cause Mortal 5 invocations within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Weapon of Power to my hand!") without the need for the usual vocals.

At rank 9 the High Priest may store 4 Cause Mortal 5 invocations within the Cause Mortal 9. The caster will be out 9 Power for the Cause Mortal 9 and 5 power for each Cause Mortal 5 invocation stored within. The Rank 9 ceases to be in effect when the last stored Cause Mortal 5 is released.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 or 10 Cause Mortal invocation in effect at a time.

Curse 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 8 Greater Curse invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "By the Evil Sphere I bestow upon you great ill fortune!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Greater Curse 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Curse 9. The High Priest will be out 17 power whilst the Curse 9 is in effect (9 for the Curse 9 and 8 for the stored Greater Curse). Once the Rank 8 Greater Curse is released all 17 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Curse invocation in effect at a time.

Fear Pact 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest makes a pact with the Evil Sphere rendering him immune to the Evil Sphere invocations Fear. and Terror.

Fear Pact will remain in effect until released or until the caster is slain.

Forked Tongue 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest calls upon the Power of the Evil Sphere to make his words more seductive.

Forked Tongue 9 remains in effect (and the power out) until triggered through the use of a specific command phrase (such as "Here my words and here them well.") or until the caster is slain. It provides no benefit until triggered.

At Rank 9 once triggered Forked Tongue allows the High Priest to cast rank 6 Beguilement invocations at vocal length, without the need for an Invoke or the usual Ritual. This ability lasts for 15 Minutes at which point the Forked Tongue 9 ceases to be in effect.

At Rank 10 once triggered Forked Tongue allows the High Priest to cast rank 7 Beguilement invocations at vocal length, without the need for an Invoke or the usual Ritual. This ability lasts for 15 Minutes at which point the Forked Tongue 10 ceases to be in effect.

Power Steal 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description The High Priest calls upon the Power of the Evil Sphere to tear the spiritual essence from his target.

Power Steal 9 enables the caster to trigger a Rank 8 Power Steal invocation using a specific command phrase (such as "Your power now be mine"). Power Steal 9 will remain in effect until triggered, released or the caster is slain. No additional power need be expended to cast the Power Steal 8, this ability is granted by the Power Steal 9.

Shroud of Ushaz 9, 10

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description At Rank 9 this invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 7 Shroud of Ushaz invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "I summon forth Evil's Armour!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Shroud of Ushaz 7 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Shroud of Ushaz 9. The High Priest will be out 16 power whilst the Shroud of Ushaz 9 is in effect (9 for the rank 9 and 7 for the stored Shroud of Ushaz). Once the Rank 7 Shroud is released all 16 power may be restored normally.

At Rank 10 this invocation allows the High Priest to store two rank 7 Shroud of Ushaz invocations within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "I summon forth Evil's Armour!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked. This works in exactly the same way as the rank 9 Shroud of Ushaz but the caster would be out 23 power rather than 16.

A character may only have a single Shroud of Ushaz invocation of rank 9 or 10 in effect at a time.

Spiritual Barrier 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one rank 8 Spiritual Barrier invocation within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "See the true power of the Evil Sphere!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Spiritual Barrier 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Spiritual Barrier 9. The High Priest will be out 17 power whilst the Spiritual Barrier 9 is in effect (9 for the rank 9 and 8 for the stored Spiritual Barrier). Once the Rank 8 Spiritual Barrier is released all 17 power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Spiritual Barrier invocation in effect at a time.

Unhallowed Ground 9

Range Touch

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest casting it to dedicate an area of ground to his Sphere. The area in question should be marked by a casting mat and ritual components covering an area no smaller than a 6 ft. diameter circle. The components in question should be checked with the player referee, at the start of the adventure, to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements for cosmic casting. Once set up this casting area cannot be disturbed by anyone other than the caster who can only remove it by releasing the invocation.

The Unhallowed area allows the High Priest to cast further cosmic invocations within it. This is the only way in which Cosmic invocations can be cast away from the Sect's ceremony areas situated outside of the Towers.

In order to cast a cosmic invocation the High Priest must first invoke within the Unhallowed area (requiring 5 minutes and their normal casting kit) followed by a 15 minute ritual dedicated to the cosmic invocation they are attempting to cast. No time reduction will be made on these castings as excellent casting kit and vocals are required for Cosmic Invocations.

Weapon of Woe 9

Range Self Only

Duration Special

Extendable? N/A

Description This invocation allows the High Priest to store one Weapon of Woe invocation of rank 6 - 8 within their body for release upon the utterance of a specific trigger phrase (such as "Weapon of Power to my hand!") without the need for the usual ritual or being invoked.

The Weapon of Woe 6 - 8 is cast as part of the ceremony required to cast the Weapon of Woe 9. The High Priest will be out between 15 and 17 power whilst the Weapon of Woe 9 is in effect (9 for the rank 9 and between 6 and 8 for the Weapon of Woe). Once the Rank 6 - 8 Weapon of Woe is released all power may be restored normally.

A character may only have a single Rank 9 Weapon of Woe invocation in effect at a time.

Lay Power : Ritual Power : Cosmic Power : Common Lay Invocations : Sect Invocations : Good Invocations : Neutral Invocations : Evil Invocations