Low Level Larp Combat Rules

As you will have seen, on your first adventure as a basic, combat in the Heroquest Larp game is managed through a combination of fighting with latex weapons and a series of loud, clear shouts to indicate how much damage you are inflicting, as well as to indicate spells you are casting or other effects. Whilst it may seem complicated at first always refer to Rule 1.

Now that you have a class and a race you will have more skills than you did as a basic. These skills are fully explained under their descriptions (linked from the points table) and the best way to learn the rules is to play the game, but there are a few important concepts that you should probably be aware of;

Armour Class - Armour class reduces the amount of damage you take from weapons, spells or other sources depending on the type of protection you have. Common ways of getting armour class are by wearing armour, getting a magical skin, or through the dexterity skills (armoured or unarmoured).

Teamwork - Heroquest Larp is a team game. Depending on what character you play you will find yourself playing a particular role within the party. Warriors are generally very good at fighting and so find themselves in the front line, toe to toe with the monsters. Mages on the other hand tend to break if they do this, but they do excel at supporting their comrades with spells or blowing monsters away with magic. No character can go it alone, find ways you can support other members of your group and they will do the same for you.

Having Fun - Heroquest Larp is a game and should be fun. If there is something which is spoiling your enjoyment of a game then please mention it to the player referee at an appropriate moment. If you don't feel comfortable doing this you can always email us after the event and we will deal with whatever problems you may have had.

Never forget Rule 1.

Rules Index