16. The Shadow Keep – currently empty: (Ex Ikarthian)
Tower Location: This Tower forms the northerly point of those making up the Ikarthian Triangle in the south-south-east of Orin Rakatha.
Notes: In 11 AR the Shadow Keep was founded by an alliance between the Mor Silvani, a race fleeing the Forest of Unshed Tears, the Kalid Shadow Lords, reputedly blood related to the Mor Silvani, and House Drannath of Annach Morananil. This Tower fell when the Tower Leader, Kelnozz Hatch’nett, was corrupted by Lord Cardinaris of the Dymwan. This resulted in Kelnozz Hatch’nett and his Mor Silvani moving to become part of the Dymwan (forming the Catacombs of Asherai), thus leading to the fall of the Shadow Keep.
It is rumoured that in ages past the Ikarthians, the Valdemar and the Labyrinthe of Xenos tried to create a safe environment between their towers, known as the Ikarthian triangle. Certainly the area between these towers is strange (known as the ‘void’) with mutated hordelings dwelling here and ghosts of Ikarthians drifting at night around the ruins of the Tower. In 11AR a party of Valley Heroes discovered that the Ikarthian tower fell due to the betrayal of the Ikarthian peoples by Ravanon.
Activity level: no longer active.